Monday, April 4, 2011

Trying To Understand Women

In my attempts to understand women I have come to the following conclusions:

1. The more you know about women, the less you actually understand about them.
2. Never argue with a even when she's wrong, she's actually right.
3. Women are strange creatures...but I love 'em to bits!

I guess I lived my life backwards to a certain extent.
Settled down with a missus at 19 and tied down with a mortgage, then free and single at 30...and apart from a few short-term relationships, that's how I've remained ever since!
I do like to think that I understand women though...sort of.
With one notable exception, I still get on with my ex-girlfriends, and generally all the break-ups in my life have been pretty amicable and painless.

I think part of the reason for not being able to sustain a long-term relationship stems from my ability to be a magnet to women with issues, and for my caring and generous nature.
By this I mean that I seem to fill a vacancy in their lives and I become a transitional boyfriend.
What invariably happens is that a lovely lady has been through a tough time, or mistreated by their ex-boyfriend or husband, and they latch onto me.
I shower them with some tender, loving care; pamper them; spoil them where possible, and generally make them feel a whole lot better about themselves.
Feeling like a new woman, they then inform me that they need some space and now that they are mended and feeling strong enough, they wish to live on their own.
Usually within a few months they've either settled down for a new long-lasting relationship with someone else, or gone back to their mistreating ex!
But at least I know, that I've helped them through the tough times, and made them feel really appreciated, so I guess I have done some good after might not help me out in the process, but that's life!

Despite all of this, I still adore women. It could be expected that after all the heartbreak and woe I've experienced, I should leave women well alone...but I can't do that because as I said at the top of this blog,
"I love 'em to bits!"
I'll end this blog with a classic line taken from the wonderful sitcom Porridge, when Barrowclogh (the Prison Officer) informs Fletch (the Inmate) that his wife has just left him.
He attempts to be all philosophical about it all by initially saying:
"Ah well, you know what they say - it's better to have loved and lost...",
before delivering the knockout punchline:
"...than spend your whole ruddy life with her!"

Solo Steve

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