Sunday, April 10, 2011

Love, Sex & Romance

Personally, I feel that love and romance are invariably linked.
There's always been the age old debate concerning men and women's differing views on sex;
women need to be loved to have sex; men need to have sex to feel loved,
but I'm not going to enter into that debate other than saying that I could never truely make love with a woman unless I had true feelings for her.
I'm also a hopeless romantic, although I believe it's not the overblown grand gestures that matter most, but the little, personal and genuinely loving gestures that can win a ladies heart.

For example, I always used to take a cup of tea into my girlfriend if she was starting work after me in the mornings, and when we both had seperate cars I always used to scrape the ice off her car on winter mornings after doing mine, so she wouldn't have to worry with the task herself when it was time for her to leave for work.

Another romantic gesture, although some would say a little foolish under the circumstances, was when I sent my ex-girlfriend her favourite White Lillies on Valentine's Day.
I did this because we were still good friends, and I had the feeling that her current fella wasn't going to bother with anything ~ I just wanted her to know that someone was thinking of her, and I sent the flowers to her workplace to avoid any explainations to her man.

Other acts of unselfishness include temporary postponing a trip abroad, and giving the money originally set aside for this trip, to someone in greater need who I dearly loved.
Then of course there was the case of jacking in my job and moving 70 miles to a strange city, just to be near my then girlfriend...again, I'm not sure if that's love or foolish behaviour? Lol.

And finally, a regular occurence in my life is that being an understanding and patient man, I welcome my woman moaning and letting rip to me about her disasterous day at work, to get it all out of her system.
Then, I usually proceed to run her a hot bath, hand her a glass of wine and then later give her a relaxing massage with scented see, I said I was a hopeless romantic!

As for sex, well I've always said that a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell, and from my experience anybody bragging or boasting about their sex life can mean only one thing...they ain't gettin' any!
But I would like to share with you two little conversations which perfectly illustrate this point.
At this stage I must stress that both incidents actually happened, but the stories within these conversations were pure fiction, made up on the spot.

The first incident happened in a bar one night, when I noticed a mate of mine being hassled by a stranger. When I approached them I discovered this man was banging on about all of his sexploits, boasting about all of the women he had been with, and about all of the various things he had gotten up to.
When his bragging included prostitutes and hookers I leapt into the conversation, with the sole intention of finally shutting him up.
"Oh yeah, I had a hooker myself last night", I interupted.
"Really, what did you get up to? - tell me everything mate", the stranger replied.
"Well, she said that if I took her home she'd do anything for fifty quid", I continued.
The stranger was getting quite excited by my revelation and couldn't wait to hear what happened next.
"So go on then mate, tell me - what did you do?", he insisted.
"Well, for fifty quid I really got my money's worth...after I got her to artex the living room ceiling, I got her to tile above the kitchen sink too!", I joked.
His face was a picture - he stood there open mouthed for a while, then turned around anf left leaving me and my mate in peace.
"Oh, and she did a bloody good job!", I shouted as he departed.

The other incident occurred when I was working in a shop with predominantly 18 - 21 year old girls.
I was in my early thirties at the time, and these girls were very upfront and street-wise so to speak.
They had a reputation for embarrassing male colleagues, and I could tell immediately that I was their next target. I also knew that if I succumbed to their advances and pressure, then my life would be hell so I had to give as good as I got.
On this particular day there were about five or six of these girls talking about their love-lives, and the conversation came around to dangerous places to have sex.
"So Steve - where's the most dangerous place that you've ever done it?", one of the girls piped up, in an obvious attempt to embarrass me.
As quick as a flash I responded, "Oh, that's easy - in a double-bed".
"That isn't very dangerous is it?", she replied.
I kept them waiting for a few seconds before delivering the knockout blow which completely shut them up for good, and I was never bothered again,
"It is dangerous in a double-bed if it's with a married woman, and in the midst of lust and passion you suddenly hear the husband's key in the front door!".

My final comment on Love, Sex & Romance is that I enjoy all three, and preferably all at the same time with the same special lady...I have had this pleasure in the past and I hope to experience this pleasure again somewhen in the not-too-distant future too.

Sole Steve

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